The 1980s Refine studies on Tehran -Qom railway lot1 Between Javadiyh to uprin supervision on roadbed of Qom 25tons Silo railway studies on first phase of Gonjeshgah-Hashtchin-Dare ghezel ozan road lot 1(length about 110 km) Refine studies on Iranshahr-Bazman-Rigan-Rostamabaad road lot2 Studies on second phase of Mirjaveh ring road Supervision on executive operation of asphalt overlay Hsourgaz-Zahedan main road Supervision on constructing of Zahedan-Mirjaveh main road (lot 1,2,3,4,5) studies on second phase of mirjaveh main road to Pakistan border Supervision on refinement operation Bojnoord-Bardescan road Supervision on constructing of Mashhad-Neyshabour main road The 1990s Studies on Southern part of Aprin-Shourab double-track railway Studies on part 2 of second phase of Sirjan railway roadbed (length about 18 km) Supervision on Southern part of Aprin-Mohammadiy double-track railway Studies on second phase of Ganjgah-Hashtchin to Ghezel ozan valley road (length about 110 km) Studies on the first and second phase of Takestan silo road with Takestan silo railway non-level intersection Studies on the first and second phase of Zanjan main road to Factory zinc and Angooran mine (length about 12 km) Studies on the first and second phase of Zanjan-Zanjan Airport (length about 10 km) Studies on the first and second phase of Zanjan airport to Zanjan univercity and Zanjanrood (length about 5 km) Supervision on executive operation of Tabriz-Zanjan high way lot 12,13,14 Supervision on refinement operation of Khash-Zahedan lot 2 View Count: 10 20 50 100 All Items Page 1 From 3 2 3 Next » The 2000s Studies on the first and second phase of constructing Mashhad -Fariman 2nd band Supervision on refinement of Ferdous-Gonabad Supervision on reconstructing 2nd band of Baghche-Neyshaboor Studies on the first and second phase of constracting Iranshahr ring road and Iranshahr intersections Supervision on constructing of Rimdan bridge Refine studies of Jakigur-Gasreghand-Nikshahr Supervision on executive operation of Damen bridge Supervision on repairment and asphalt Overlay of Police road Y interection-Konarak-Pozm road Supervision on refinement of accident-prone locations at Rask-Chabahar road Studies on the first and second phase of Rimdan bridge View Count: 10 20 50 100 All Items « Previous 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Page 9 From 11 10 11 Next » The 2010s Refine studies (type D-A) on the first and second phase of Iranshahr-Zaboli road Supervision on constructing of Iranshahr southern ring road Studies on the first and second phase of Malouran bridge located on Nikshahr-Bent road Supervision on executive operation of Depkoor and Firoozabaad bridge View Count: 10 20 50 100 All Items « Previous 1 2 3 Page 4 From 4